Saturday, 5 November 2016

Parkrun - the best father + son bonding sesh EVER!

8am on a literally freezing Saturday morning... 'Who wants to do Parkrun?' The voice in my head does not want to do Parkrun, but my son alfie does so, it's up, kettle and shorts on, quick coffee, fill our water bottle and were off about 300m over the road into the beautiful Saltwell Park.

If you've never done Parkrun it's nothing short of ace! a friendly run around a park of your choice with lovely friendly, people, some are very good runners, some are there for the exercise, me i'm there through pressure from my child (I do love running, but not as much as a continental quilt). Anyway once we're in the park you immediately notice two things !: how stunning this park is and 2: how big the hills are round this part of town (I'm used to Middlesbrough's Albert Park Parkrun, which is superflat)

Don't get me wrong this parkrun is a hard for me as I'm rusty as when it comes to running... but Alfie motivates me round the course often pulling me along, then usually legs it towards the end, but it's a lovely hour to spend together with your kids, getting fit, and having a laugh and setting a good example, and the feeling at the end after the final push feels incredible as the blood fly around your body, setting you up in the best way possible for a great Saturday, best of all it's free (if you do go, consider volunteering every now and again, as they alway need volunteers!)

Note: The photos are a mix of this and last weeks run.

Waiting to start!

It's Freeeeeeeezing! 
Get ya fleece on!
Finally finished!

Don't forget your water!


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